
  • logo and branding for OTL
  • logo and business card


Optimized Training Labs is a start-up company that offers a completely new way of looking at endurance training for triathletes and runners. They harness the knowledge of USAT and USATF certified coaches, scientific study, and complex mathematics to come up with a customized training plan that will help you reach your goals while allowing schedule flexibility for everyday life.

We wanted a company name that was descriptive enough to give the public an idea of what we were about. At the core of our training application is an optimization model and this approach to sports is very scientific in nature. Put this all together and you have optimized training labs.

For the logo mark we were looking for something that would illustrate speed, power and technology. I combined the universal symbol for radiation (power) with a bicycle chain ring then customized a digital type face to bring it all together.


  • Branding and Identity